
ISA World Junior Surfing Championships
Updated: Friday evening, October 16th (Local Time)

Brief Overview: Fun size blend of SW/SSW swell and shorter-period NW windswell through the weekend, with better new SW/SSW and WNW swells creeping up Sunday afternoon. Light/variable winds provide the cleanest conditions each morning, giving way to Westerly flow in the afternoons.

SATURDAY 17th:  3-4’+ wave faces, with occasional larger sets on the best tides. Cleanest in the morning with light/variable onshore wind, trending light to moderate onshore in the afternoon.  

Swell: Mix of reinforcing SW Southern Hemisphere swell and small NW windswell. Less broken up swell mix, but still some occasional peaks/corners.

Wind/Weather:  Mostly cloudy with a marine layer early, giving way to partly sunny skies in the afternoon. Light/variable onshore wind in the early to mid morning, trending light onshore by the later morning from the W. WNW wind builds in the afternoon 6-10kts.

SUNDAY 18th:  3-4’+ wave faces, with occasional larger sets on the best tides. Clean in the morning with light wind, trending light+ onshore in the afternoon.

Swell: Mix of SW Southern Hemisphere swell and minor NW windswell joined by building forerunners of new SW/SSW and WNW swells through the afternoon. Broken up swell mix with occasional peaks/corners. Slight uptick in size through the afternoon.

Wind/Weather:  Mostly cloudy with a marine layer early, giving way to partly sunny skies in the afternoon. Light/variable ESE/SE wind early trends Southerly and picks up through the morning. Light to moderate onshore wind from the WSW in the afternoon 4-9kts.



Swell/Surf Outlook

Modest pulse of SW/SSW swell (220-200) is on offer over the weekend, with a slightly better SW/SSW swell (220-200) showing through the afternoon Sunday with long period forerunners. Shorter-period NW windswell joins in the next couple days, with some fresh WNW swell (280-300+) creeping in late Sunday from a frontal low active in the Gulf of Alaska now.

The combo of SW/SSW swells and NW windswell will continue to offer fun surf through the weekend in the waist-shoulder high zone, with a few shoulder high+ peaks possible during the best tides. Shape is semi broken-up on Saturday, and should get a little more crossed-up on Sunday (though neither day will offer shape rivaling that from early in the week).

The combo of SW/SSW and WNW swells will continue to offer fun surf through the end of the week (waist-shoulder occ. head high). For the weekend we expect to see a new, overlapping run of SW swells and NW windswell set up more waist-shoulder high waves with occasional larger peaks around the more favorable tides.

Wind/Weather: Look for light/variable onshore Westerly flow to prevail early Saturday under mostly cloudy skies. Winds trend up through the morning, giving way to a light to moderate W/WNW sea-breeze in the afternoon as skies partially clear. Sunday remains a little dicey as a low moves through north of the region. It appears that will deliver light/variable ESE/SE flow early, with winds trending Southerly through the morning. Light to moderate WSW flow develops in the afternoon, but looks a little lighter than the onshore flow due Saturday afternoon.

Next Update: This is the final update.


Schaler Perry

[email protected]

La International Surfing Association (ISA), fundada en 1964, es reconocida por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como la organización gobernante mundial del Surfing, carreras y surfing en StandUp Paddle, Wakesurfing y todos los demás deportes de correr olas en cualquier tipo de ola y deportes en aguas planas utilizando equipo para correr olas. La ISA coronó a sus primeros Campeones Mundiales de las divisiones Hombres y Mujeres en 1964. Coronó a su primer Campeón Mundial de Ola Grande en 1965; Campeon Mundial Junior en 1980; a los Campeones Mundiales de Kneeboard en 1982, a los Campeones Mundiales de Longboard y Bodyboard en 1988, Campeones Mundiales de Tandem Surfing en 2006; Campeones Mundiales Masters en 2007; Campeones Mundiales de StandUp Paddle (SUP) y Paddleboard en 2012.

Los miembros de la ISA incluyen las Federaciones Nacionales de 96 países en los cinco continentes. Sus oficinas centrales se encuentran en La Jolla, California y es presidida por Fernando Aguerre (Argentina), electo Presidente por primera vez en 1994 en Río de Janeiro y reelecto siete veces desde ése entonces. Los cuatro vicepresidentes de la ISA son Karín Sierralta (PER), Layne Beachley (AUS), Casper Steinfath (DEN) y Barbara Kendall (NZL).

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